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Senate Status:
Minutes for SB346 - Committee on Agriculture
Short Title
Allowing for the on-farm retail sale of milk and milk products, authorizing the secretary of agriculture to declare an imminent health hazard, extending certain milk and dairy license fees and establishing certain standards for milk.
Minutes Content for Mon, Mar 7, 2022
Chair Rahjes opened the hearing on SB364. Kyle Hamilton, Office of Revisor of Statutes, provided an overview of the bill and the amendments made by the Senate. He stood for questions.
Proponents - Oral
Kenneth Titus, Chief Counsel, Kansas Department of Agriculture provided Proponent Testimony and stood for questions.(Attachment 1)
John Donley, Kansas Farm Bureau provided Proponent Testimony and stood for questions. He noted that the testimony submitted had not been updated since the Senate had heard the bill and it included the amendment that is included in the bill being heard today.(Attachment 2)
Tony Bruno, Kansas Dairy provided Proponent Testimony and stood for questions. (Attachment 3)
Samuel G. MacRoberts, Litigation Director and General Counsel, Kansas Justice Institute provided Proponent Testitmony and stood for questions.(Attachment 4)
Proponents - Written
George Elder, citizen, Grade A Goat Dairy(Attachment 5)
Opponents - Oral
Aaron Popelka, VP Legal and Governmental Affairs, Kansas Livestock Association provided Opponent Testimony and stood for questions.(Attachment 6)
Opponents - Written
The Chair closed the hearing on SB364.