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March 12, 2025
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Minutes for HB2110 - Committee on Financial Institutions and Insurance

Short Title

Requiring insurance coverage for PANS and PANDAS by the state health care benefits program and requiring the state employee health care commission to submit an impact report on such coverage to the legislature.

Minutes Content for Thu, Mar 10, 2022


Chairperson Longbine opened the hearing on HB2110.   David Wiese, Assistant Revisor, Kansas Revisor of Statutes Office, presented the Revisor's Memorandum brief reviewing the bill.   (Attachment 1)

The Chairperson called for the oral proponents:

John Eplee, M.D., Kansas Representative, 63rd District, Atchison, Kansas, presented testimony supporting the bill.   (Attachment 2)   Dr. Eplee answered questions from Senators Hilderbrand and Pittman.

Tara Richardson, M.D., and parent of a child with PANS/PANDA, Andover, Kansas, testified virtually via Webex in support of the bill.   (Attachment 3)

Shannon Wright, Social Worker, and parent of a child with PANS/PANDA, Topeka, Kansas appeared in person and presented proponent  testimony.   (Attachment 4)

Mason Lough, a citizen of Wellington, KS and now a college student in Oklahoma, testified virtually via Webex, in favor of the bill.   (Attachment 5)

Andi Bonge, BSEd., MOTR/L, and parent of a child with PANS/PANDA, Shawnee, Kansas, appeared in person and with her spouse and two daughters, to support passage of HB2110.   (Attachment 6)


Chairperson Longbine pointed the committee's attention to the written-only proponent testimony from:

Alicia Chavers, Private Citizen, Kansas   (Attachment 7)

Aria Brent, Private Citizen, Lawrence, Kansas   (Attachment 8)

Brielle Widman, Private Citizen, Overland Park, Kansas   (Attachment 9)

Carrie Lough, Private Citizen, Wellington, Kansas   (Attachment 10)

Dawn Lewis, Private Citizen, Gardner, Kansas   (Attachment 11)

Heather Baum, Private Citizen, Kansas   (Attachment 12)

Luke Musselman, Private Citizen, Clifton, Kansas   (Attachment 13)

Meredith Bonge, Private Citizen, Shawnee, Kansas   (Attachment 14)

Micaela Widman, Private Citizen, Overland Park, Kansas   (Attachment 15)

Noelle Schlenk, Private Citizen, Lawrence, Kansas   (Attachment 16)

Patricia Lanter, Private Citizen, Olathe, Kansas for her 2 children   (Attachment 17)


Chairperson Longbine asked for questions or comments of the conferees.  Andi Bonge, Shannon Wright, Dr. Tara Richardson and Dr. John Eplee answered questions from Senators Fagg, Kloos, and Dietrich.

Chairperson Longbine called upon the last in-person conferee:

Larrie Ann Brown, Legislative Counsel appeared in person on behalf of Kandice Sanaie, State Government Affairs with Cigna of Bloomfield, Connecticut.  Ms. Brown presented Neutral testimony on HB2110.   (Attachment 18)

The Chairperson asked for other questions, comments or discussion.  He also asked if there was any other proponent, opponent, or neutral testimony to be submitted.  Seeing none, Chairperson Longbine closed the hearing on HB2110.


The meeting adjourned at 10:23 am.  The next scheduled meeting is Tuesday, March 15, 2022 at 9:30 am in Room 546-South of the Capitol.