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Minutes for HB2712 - Committee on Appropriations
Short Title
Establishing the Kansas commission for the United States semiquincentennial.
Minutes Content for Thu, Mar 3, 2022
Jessie Pringle, Office of the Revisor of Statutes, presented the bill brief (Attachment 4). The bill establishes a Kansas commission to coordinate local and national efforts to mark the 250th anniversary of America in 2026. The commission would be within the Department of Commerce. A review of the commission's composition and their responsibilities followed.
Representative Estes, provided background and testimony as a proponent of the bill (no written testimony was provided.
Kimberly Patrick, Daughers of the American Revolution, presented testimony as a proponent of the bill (Attachment 5).
Written testimony as proponents of the bill included the following: Daniel Dilella, United States Semiquincentennial Commission (Attachment 6); Susan Metzger (Attachment 7); and Laura Renfro (Attachment 8).
Chairman Waymaster closed the hearing on the bill.