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Minutes for HB2708 - Committee on Federal and State Affairs
Short Title
Establishing standards for laboratory licenses that test medical marijuana and requiring the director of alcoholic beverage control to adopt rules and regulations regarding testing laboratories.
Minutes Content for Thu, Mar 3, 2022
Chairperson Barker opened the hearing on HB2708. The Revisor provided an overview of the bill.
Chairperson Barker recognized Clay Bullard as a proponent (Attachment 1). He stated that the medical marijuana industry is void of standardization in its regulations, testing. A lack of standards is not in the best interest of the citizens of Kansas. HB2708 would allow for the establishment of a single laboratory to which all agencies in the marijuana industry would have access. This would allow Kansas to work efficiently and consistently, and would avoid ambiguity between agency labs and the industry.
Chairperson Barker recognized Debbi Beavers as a neutral on HB2708 (Attachment 2). She stated the ABC has discussed this bill with the Kansas Department of Health and Environment about lab certification. In addition, the ABC believes fees for accreditation certification should be addressed in HB2708.
Chairperson Barker closed the hearing on HB2708.