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Minutes for SB386 - Committee on Transparency and Ethics
Short Title
Limiting fees for copying and staff time under the Kansas open records act and providing for waiver or reduction of such fees.
Minutes Content for Wed, Mar 2, 2022
Chairperson Bowers opened final action on SB386. Charles Reimer, staff revisor, reviewed the bill. Mr. Reimer addressed questions from the Committee.
Senator McGinn distributed and explained a balloon amendment. (Attachment 1) Discussion ensued. Questions from the Committee were addressed by Emily Bradbury, Executive Director, Kansas Press Association, and John Goodyear, General Counsel, League of Kansas Municipalities.
Senator Francisco moved, Senator McGinn seconded, to adopt the first page of the balloon amendment as presented. Motion carried.
Senator Francisco distributed and explained a balloon amendment. (Attachment 2) Discussion ensued. Senator Francisco moved, Senator McGinn seconded, to adopt the balloon amendment. Motion carried.
Back on the McGinn amendment. Senator McGinn explained Page 2 of the balloon amendment. During discussion, Ms. Bradbury and Mr. Goodyear addressed questions from the Committee. Senator McGinn moved, Senator Francisco seconded, to adopt Line 19 through 29 on Page 2 of Senator McGinn's balloon amendment. After discussion, motion carried.
An amendment by Senator Warren was distributed. (Attachment 3) Mr. Reimer explained the amendment. During discussion, Ms. Bradbury addressed questions from the Committee. After discussion on the amendment, no action was taken.
Senator McGinn moved, Senator Warren seconded, to recommend SB386 as amended, favorably for passage. Discussion ensued with Eric Sortorius, Executive Director, League of Kansas Municipalities, addressing questions from the Committee. After discussion, motion carried.
Meeting was adjourned at 10:22 a.m.
The next meeting is scheduled for March 9, 2022.