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Senate Status:
Minutes for HB2498 - Committee on Health and Human Services
Short Title
Prohibiting the secretary of health and environment from requiring COVID-19 vaccination for children attending school.
Minutes Content for Mon, Feb 21, 2022
Ashley Goss, Secretary of Public Health, Kansas Department of Health and Environment, provide neutral testimony to HB2498 (Attachment 60). Ms. Goss noted that KDHE has been give the authority to determine immunizations that are required for children to attend daycare or school pursuant to K.S.A. 65-508 and K.S.A. 72-6262. No other entity can establish whether a vaccine is required. Ms. Goss noted that KDHE has no plan to add the Covid 19 vaccine as a mandated vaccine for children attending daycare or school.
Representative Eplee motioned and Representative Blex seconded to suspend the rules and work the bill without objection. Motion failed.
Representative Barker noted that it takes a two thirds vote to suspend the rule. Upon a show of hands, there was not a two thirds majority to suspend the rules.
The hearing on HB2498 was closed.
The meeting was recessed at 2:21 PM to reconvene at 5:00 PM.