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Minutes for HCR5027 - Committee on Federal and State Affairs

Short Title

Applying to the Congress of the United States to call a convention of the states.

Minutes Content for Fri, Feb 18, 2022

Chairperson Barker asked the Committee to open their folders on HCR5027 and asked for the Committee's pleasure.

Vice Chairperson Arnberger moved that HCR5027 be recommended favorably for passage, seconded by Representative Eplee.

Representative Hoye moved to amend HCR5027, seconded by Representative Hoheisel(Attachment 1)

Representative Hoye stated that this amendment states that the Kansas delegation shall include a current or former member of the Kansas House of Representatives or Senate who is a Native American woman.

Discussion ensued.

Representative Hoye made a substitute motion to amend HCR5027 to state that the Kansas delegation would include a Native American woman in Kansas who has served in any elective office, seconded by Representative Clayton.

Discussion ensued.

Representative Hoye closed on her substitute motion to amend HCR5027.  Following an oral vote, the Chairman stated the nos had it.  Division was called.   The substitute amendment to HCR5027 failed to pass by a vote of 14 nos and 9 ayes.  [Note: The Chairperson may have been incorrectly attributed a vote, which would have lowered the total by a factor of one.  However, the amendment failed.]

Representative Hoye closed on her original motion to amend HCR5027.  Following an oral vote, the amendment to HCR5027 failed to pass.

Chairperson Barker stated that discussion is now open on HCR5027.

Discussion ensued.

Representative Houser moved to amend HCR5027, seconded by Representative Hoye(Attachment 2)

Representative Houser stated that this amendment states that it requires a two-thirds affirmative vote of each house to ratify any amendment to the Constitution of the United States or to make an application for Congress to call a convention of states. 

Discussion ensued.

Following discussion, Representative Houser closed on his motion to amend HCR5027.  An oral vote was held, and the Chairman stated that the amendment failed.  Division was called.  A vote was taken by a show of hands.  The amendment to HCR5027 failed to pass with eleven no votes and nine ayes

The following representatives asked to have their yes votes recorded:  Representatives Houser, Awerkamp, Hoye, Clayton, and Highberger.

Representative Awerkamp moved to amend HCR5027, seconded by Representative Miller.  (Attachment 3)

Representative Awerkamp stated this amendment states that if two-thirds of the states have not made similar application by June 30, 2027, this application for an Article V convention shall be rescinded.

Discussion ensued.

Representative Awerkamp closed on his motion to amend HCR5027.  An oral vote was taken, and the Chairman stated that the motion failed.  Division was called.  Following a vote by a show of hands, the amendment to HCR5027 failed to pass by a vote of twelve nos and nine ayes.  The amendment to HCR5027 failed to pass.

The following representatives asked to have their aye votes recorded:  Representatives Houser, Hoye, Clayton, and Highberger.

The Chairman stated that they are back on HCR5027.

Discussion ensued.

Vice-Chairperson Arnberger moved to recommend HCR5027 favorably for passage, seconded by Representative Eplee.

An oral vote was taken, and the Chairman was unsure of the vote.  A vote was taken by a show of hands.  HCR5027 was favorably passed by a vote of 14 ayes to eight nos.

The following representatives asked to have their yes votes recorded:  Representative Hoheisel, Penn, Eplee, Howe, Moser, Smith, Burris, and Waggoner.

The following representatives asked to have their no votes recorded:  Representatives Highberger, Haswood, Houser, Clayton, Hoye, and Awerkamp.