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Minutes for HB2710 - Committee on Federal and State Affairs

Short Title

Increasing the percentage of alcohol by volume allowed to not more than 16% for domestic table wine and the domestic fortified wine threshold to more than 16% alcohol by volume.

Minutes Content for Tue, Mar 1, 2022

Chairperson Barker opened the hearing on HB2710.   The Revisor provided an overview of the bill.

Chairperson Barker recognized Tyler Rudd as a proponent of HB2710 (Attachment 1).  He stated that in 2020 the United States Congress increased the ABV percentage for table wine from 14 percent to 16 percent for excise tax purposes,  Many states have aligned their statutory ABV percentages for wine with the federal percentages.  He is asking, on behalf of the Wine Institute, that Kansas do the same.  A question was asked by Representative Ruiz.

Chairperson Barker recognized Tuck Duncan as a proponent on HB2710 (Attachment 2).  He stated that Congress increased the ABV percentage change in recognition that higher temperatures make for riper grapes with more sugar to convert into alcohol.  The higher the sugar level in the grapes, the higher the final alcohol level in the wine.  This bill will conform Kansas law to federal law.  A question was asked by Representative Clayton.

Chairperson Barker noted that there was written proponent testimony from Jason Watkins (Attachment 3).

Debbi Beavers was recognized by the Chair as a neutral on HB2710 (Attachment 4).  She stated that there are 18,066 products in the light wine category.  The ABC will need to edit approximately 6,230 labels and change them from fortified wine to light wine, making a total of 24,296 light wine registered labels.  Only approximately 536 products will remain in the fortified wine category.  There will be a negative gallonage tax impact due to this change, but the Department is unable to provide an estimate on the tax impact.  The definition of domestic fortified wine is amended in this bill.  Domestic wine is wine manufactured in the state of Kansas, but there is no definition of fortified wine in the statutes.

Chairperson Barker closed the hearing on HB2710

Chairperson Barker asked if there was any opposition to HB2710.  If not, he will entertain a motion from his ranking member to suspend the rule and work this bill.  There was no objection.

Representative Ruiz moved that the rule be suspended and that HB2710 be worked today, seconded by Representative Eplee.  The motion was passed

Representative Ruiz moved that HB2710 be recommended favorably for passage, seconded by Representative Eplee.

Discussion ensued.

Representative Ruiz moved that HB2710 be recommended favorably for passage and placed on the consent calendar, seconded by Representative Eplee.  HB2710 was favorably passed for placement on the consent calendar.

Chairperson Barker noted that there were minutes that needed to be approved.

Representative Ruiz moved that the minutes of February 1, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 21 be approved, seconded by Representative Thomas.  The minutes were approved.

The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 9:20 a.m.