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Minutes for HB2674 - Committee on Corrections and Juvenile Justice

Short Title

Requiring a forfeiture of an appearance bond to be set aside in certain circumstances.

Minutes Content for Wed, Feb 16, 2022

Chairperson Owens called for discussion and final action on HB2674.  Natalie Scott reviewed the bill.

Representative Wheeler proposed an amendment that would have the request filed with the court which then becomes part of the court record.  The court would then order the sheriff to enter the warrant for the defendant into the national crime information center's index. (Attachment 8)

Representative Wheeler moved, Representative Resman seconded, to adopt the amendment.  The motion carried.

Representative Wheeler moved, Representative Smith seconded, to recommend HB2674, as amended, favorably for passage.  The motion carried.

Representatives Highberger and Carmichael requested their "aye" votes be recorded.