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Minutes for SB439 - Committee on Federal and State Affairs
Short Title
Requiring a county election officer to send a confirmation of address when there is no election-related activity for any four calendar year period.
Minutes Content for Mon, Feb 21, 2022
The Chairman opened the hearing on the bill and called for Jason Long for a revisor overview of the bill.
The Chairman called for testimony on the bill.
Proponent Clay Barker explained the Secretary of State's reason for offering this bill. Mr. Barker attempted to explain anomalies that appear to show up on voter roles.
Opponent Davis Hammet expressed concerns that the bill may cause a person to be unjustifiably removed from the voter roll.
Opponent Aileen Berquist cautioned that the bill may remove people from the voter roles without cause. (Attachment 21)
Opponent Mike Burgess stated that people with disabilities might not benefit from this bill and would like to work with anyone to improve the language. (Attachment 22)
Opponent Celle King expressed concerns about the bill and recommended that Kansas join the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC). (Attachment 23)
Written-Only Opponents
Caleb Smith, Kansas Appleseed (Attachment 24)
Rick Piepho, Harvey County Election Clerk (Attachment 25)
Seeing no more testimony the Chairman closed the hearing on the bill.