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Minutes for HB2630 - Committee on Transportation

Short Title

Establishing fees for the transportation of certain radioactive materials in the state and establishing the radioactive materials transportation operating fund.

Minutes Content for Tue, Feb 15, 2022

Staff briefed the Committee on the bill's contents. (Attachment 1)

The Chairman recognized Representative Mark Schreiber as the first proponent. (Attachment 2)  He addressed the fact that this bill would establish definitions and guidelines related to the transportation of certain radioactive material in Kansas.  The bill would create the Radioactive Material Transportation Operating Fund for the collection of fees charged to entities transporting both high and low-level radioactive waste in Kansas either by road or rail.  He said the state fees associated with the shipment of radioactive materials support the training and response needed for their safe transport.  Representative Shriver said even though shipments of spent nuclear fuel are not being contemplated at the present he thinks Kansas should have a fee structure in place for such time.

There were no other proponents or opponents.

Kimberly Steves provided neutral testimony. (Attachment 3)  She said it was difficult to develop a fiscal note because they do not know how many shipments of radioactive waste which would fall under the requirements of this bill occur in Kansas.  She said they were aware that the NRC has licensed an interim spent nuclear fuel storage facility in Texas. If construction of that facility comes to pass that could in future years increase the number of high level waste shipments which go through our state.  She said it seems prudent to establish this program ahead of time to ensure they are prepared tor these shipments.

There were no other neutrals so the Chairman closed the hearing on HB2630 and called for final action on the following bills.