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Minutes for SB345 - Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources
Short Title
Authorizing the animal health commissioner to impose a civil penalty for violations related to transporting animals into the state.
Minutes Content for Mon, Feb 14, 2022
Chairperson Kerschen called for final action on SB345
Tamera Lawrence with the Revisor of Statutes Office reviewed the bill.
Senator Doll offered an amendment and asked Tamera Lawrence to explain the amendment. The amendment clarifies violations as intentional and knowingly and changes the penalty for those found guilty from a class A to a class C misdemeanor.(Attachment 1)
Senator Doll moved and Senator Francisco seconded to approve the amendment. Motion carried.
A question was asked about examples of problems that have occurred with bringing animals into the state. Dr. Andy Hawkins with the Kansas Department Agriculture described a case of bulls with no records and another case of horses with infectious anemia who had been transported into the state. Senator Straub commented that she was leery of giving non elected officials the right to issue penalties and misdemeanors.
Senator Ware moved and Senator Ryckman seconded to recommend SB345, as amended, favorably.Motion carried.