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Minutes for HB2565 - Committee on Federal and State Affairs

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Requiring county election officers to provide precinct level election results in machine readable format within 30 days of any final canvas.

Minutes Content for Thu, Feb 17, 2022

Chairperson Barker opened the hearing on HB2565.  The Revisor provided an overview of the bill.

Chairperson Barker recognized Jim Howell as a proponent on HB2565 (Attachment 12).  He stated that for transparency sake, HB2565 needs to be passed.  As it stands now, election results have become needlessly complex.  He would ask the Committee to pass this bill.  Questions were asked by Representative Highberger.

Chairperson Barker noted that there was written proponent testimony from Levi Henry (Attachment 13) and Sarah Lopez (Attachment 14)

Chairperson Barker recognized Clay Barker as a neutral on HB2565 (Attachment 15)

Chairperson Barker closed the hearing on HB2565.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:51 a.m.