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Minutes for HB2113 - Committee on Federal and State Affairs

Short Title

Establishing the advisory commission on Asian-American Pacific Islander affairs.

Minutes Content for Thu, Feb 17, 2022

Chairperson Barker opened the hearing on HB2113.  The Revisor provided an overview of the bill.

Representative Xu was recognized as a proponent on HB2113 (Attachment 1).  He stated that hate crimes against Asian-Americans increased 73 percent in 2020 over 2019 and 331 percent in 2021 over 2020.  While these incidents seem to be concentrated in big cities, it is still important to have a central Asian-American Pacific Islanders Affairs Commission (AAPI) in the state.  Chairperson Barker and Vice-Chairperson Arnberger had questions for the conferee.

Chairperson Barker recognized Raj Goyle as a proponent (Attachment 2).  He stated that the establishment of an AAPI-serving commission in Kansas would send a powerful signal to the communities that Asian American voices matter. 

Chairperson Barker recognized Helen Van Etten who testified as a proponent on HB2113 (Attachment 3).  She stated that AAPIs are the fastest growing immigrant community in the nation.  Their contributions in the sciences, technology innovation, and entrepreneurial spirit strengthen the nation. 

Mr. Taben Azad was recognized as a proponent by the Chair (Attachment 4).  He stated he is speaking on behalf of the nearly 19,400 Asian-American constituents in Sedgwick County.  In Kansas overall, there are 28,265 Asian-Americans.  Kansas is in need of a commission that addresses the needs of the growing Asian and Asian-American population.

Chairperson Barker recognized Srividya Dasaraju as a proponent of HB2113 (Attachment 5).  She stated that a commission on AAPI affairs would create tangible benefits not only for the AAPI community, but also for the policy-making process of Kansas.  It would catalyze young Asian-Americans to be more civically and politically invested.  AAPI commissions serve as conduits for understanding a particular community's needs by facilitating direct conversations between government, non-profit organizations, and the Asian-American community.

Chairperson Barker opened the floor for questions of the proponents.  Vice-Chairperson Arnberger asked Representative Xu how many other states currently have these commissions.  Chairperson Barker asked the Research Department to provide that information to the Committee.  Representative Penn had questions. 

Chairperson Barker directed the Committee's attention to the written proponent testimony of Fanny Fang (Attachment 6); Sarah Myose (Attachment 7); Stacey Knoell (Attachment 8); Lindsie Ford (Attachment 9);  Sook Park (Attachment 10); and Mai-Nhanh Dao (Attachment 11).

Chairperson Barker stated that there were no opponents or neutrals on HB2113

Chairperson Barker closed the hearing on HB2113.