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Minutes for HB2609 - Committee on Transportation

Short Title

Allowing restricted driver's license holders to drive to and from worship services for any religious organizations at age 15.

Minutes Content for Mon, Feb 14, 2022

Staff briefed the Committee on the contents of this bill and stood for questions.(Attachment 1)

The Chairman recognized Representative Charlotte Esau. (Attachment 2)  According to Representative Esau, the right to gather for religious expression is certainly one we don't want to inhibit and the good that comes from our youth attending worship or religious education is at least of equal value to what they learn in school or the experiences they gain from employment. She said many have told her that passage of this bill would relieve a burden in their family.

The next proponent was Pastor Jeff Piepho. (Attachment 3)  He said he noted in the law that while 15 year olds are allowed to drive to work or school without supervision they are not allowed to drive to religious services until they reach the age of 16.  He said it is likely that allowing 15 year old licensees to drive to church is safer than allowing them to drive to a school, which we already allow them to do. He said there is not a good reason to restrict licensees from driving to religious services while allowing them to drive to work or school.

Chairman Proehl recognized Brayden Jones as the next proponent. (Attachment 4)  He said if students pass their state driving tests they can go to and from school or their jobs.  He said many times parents or others must take them to church since the restriction does not allow them to drive themselves like it does for jobs or schools. He said it can be a hardship for many families and sometime they do not get to go if no one is available to take them.

The Chairman drew the Committee's attention to written testimony submitted in support of HB2609 by Representative Brandon Woodard. (Attachment 5)

Chairman Proehl asked if there were any other proponents  There was not.  The Chairman asked if there were any opponents or neutrals.  There was not so the Chairman closed the hearing on HB2609 and opened the hearing on HB2628.