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Minutes for HB2440 - Committee on Taxation

Short Title

Creating a property tax exemption for retired and disabled veterans.

Minutes Content for Mon, Feb 14, 2022

Chairperson Smith opened the hearing on HB2440.

Adam Siebers, Assistant Revisor, provided an overview for HB2440 and stood for questions from Committee members. (Attachment 1)

Kathleen Smith, Kansas Department of Revenue, provided an overview on the fiscal note for HB2440 stating the bill would decrease property tax revenue that will decrease the educational fund by around $240,000 in FY2023 and the state institutions building fund by $120,000 in FY2023.

In response to questions, Ms. Smith stated the department  looked at data from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and there are currently 44,000 veterans receiving disability compensation and based upon the qualifications in HB2440, there would probably be around 28,000 that would actually qualify for this exemption. Ms. Smith noted she would have to talk  with the Property Evaluation Director to see if there will be a software update to handle calculations.


R. W. Miller, Veteran Advocate, representing 15,400 Kansas disabled veterans testified as a proponent for HB2440 stating his testimony has a revised version of HB2440 that changes the calculation of tax exemptions for veterans.  Mr. Miller also added a revised format of the initial HB2440.  The main revisions were intended to create a "stand alone" bill and requested HB2440 not be attached or affiliated with the Homestead Act noting the bill is about senior disabled veterans. (Attachment 2), (Attachment 3), (Attachment4)  Mr. Miller stood for questions from Committee members.

Chairperson Smith closed the hearing on HB2440.