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Minutes for HB2567 - Committee on Transportation

Short Title

Increasing certain registration and title fees on vehicles for services performed by county treasurers and the division of vehicles and decreasing certain fees related to administrative costs and disposition of such fees.

Minutes Content for Thu, Feb 10, 2022

Staff briefed the Committee on the contents of the bill and stood for questions.(Attachment 3)

The Chairman recognized Larry Mah. (Attachment 4) Mr. Mah said the current fee structure has not been modified since 2013 and there have been significant changes in the work flow and responsibilities in the last eight years. Mr. Mah said a review of the revenues and expenses from 2014 through 2021 illustrates how much discrepancy between revenues and expense has grown. He concluded by saying the current fee structure is not sustainable.

The next proponent was Nancy Clubine. (Attachment 5)  According to Ms. Clubine, all expenses for the motor vehicle office are paid from the fees they receive from processing vehicle transactions.  They are allowed to retain a portion of the registration fee and a county service fee. She said the motor vehicle operating fund must remain in the black at the end of each year and if she has to reduce the number of staff, it will be a hardship on their customers and staff.

Shilo Heger was the next proponent. (Attachment 6)  She said this bill will simplify the motor vehicle fee structure, make the fees retained by the counties transparent to the customer, and will increase the revenues the county receives for performing this function on behalf of the State. Ms. Heger said the proposed fee will allow treasurers to continue to provide services and cover them with fees paid by motor vehicle customers.

Written testimony in support of HB2567 was submitted by:

Christine Swaim, KCTA President and Clay County Treasurer (Attachment 7)

Thomas Frazen, Johnson County Treasurer (Attachment 8)

Brandi Baily, Sedgwick County Treasurer (Attachment 9)

Joe Grisolano, Crawford County Treasurer (Attachment 10)

Adam Rains, Douglas County Treasurer (Attachment 11)

Christine Smith, Wallace County Treasurer (Attachment 12)

Jay Hall, Kansas Association of Counties (Attachment 13)

The Chairman asked if there were any other proponents.  There were none.  The Chairman then asked if there were any opponents or neutrals.  There were none so the Chairman closed the hearing on HB2567.