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Minutes for SB434 - Committee on Judiciary
Short Title
Creating exemptions in the open records act for records that contain captured license plate data or that pertain to the location of an automated license plate recognition system.
Minutes Content for Wed, Feb 9, 2022
Chairperson Warren opened the hearing on SB434.
Jason Thompson, Senior Assistant Revisor, provided an overview of SB434 and responded to questions from the Committee members. (Attachment 1)
Ed Klumpp testified in support of SB434 relating an incident that arose prohibiting the placement of license plate readers and fear of being sued due to a perception of a violation of the Open Records Act. Mr. Klumpp stated the readers are invaluable to law enforcement in solving violent crimes, recovering stolen vehicles, and in the use of responding to Silver and Amber Alerts. Further, Mr. Klumpp noted the provisions in SB434 only protects distribution of the data and the location of the license plate reader systems. (Attachment 2)
John Goodyear testified in support of SB434 stating there are legitimate privacy and security interests to protect and therefore requests public agencies be allowed to withhold this kind of data. (Attachment 3)
The conferees responded to questions from Committee members.
Lt. Casey Slaughter, testified in support of SB434 noting the invaluable use of the City of Wichita's mobile license plate readers in the Wichita area that aid law enforcement arrests and successful prosecutions. (Attachment 4)
Written only testimony in support of SB434 was submitted by Colonel Herman T. Jones, Superintendent, Kansas Highway Patrol. (Attachment 5)
Additional questions from Committee members were addressed by the conferees and revisor.
Chairperson Warren closed the hearing on SB434.