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Minutes for SB417 - Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources

Short Title

Establishing minimum and maximum permit renewal fees for certain solid waste disposal areas and processing facilities.

Minutes Content for Fri, Feb 11, 2022

Chairperson Kerschen opened the hearing on SB417.

Tamera Lawrence with the Revisor of Statutes Office explained the bill. It would establish new permit renewal fee limitations for solid waste disposal areas and processing facilities that are regulated by the federal government on standards for the deposit of coal combustion residuals in landfills and surface impoundments.(Attachment 5)

Geoff Greene testified in support of the bill.  He explained that the Kansas Department of Health and Environment is now in a position to request approval of a state CCR program once state funding modifications are in place.  If states do not have an approved state permit program, the Environmental Protection Agency will implement a federal permit program.  He believes a state CCR program is preferable because it benefits electric customers by allowing for local regulation and control.(Attachment 6)

Julie Coleman provided neutral testimony on the bill.  She told the committee that the KDHE Bureau of Waste Management is prepared to apply to the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency for approval to administer the federal CCR program in lieu of the Environmental Protection Agency .(Attachment 7)

Chairperson Kerschen closed the hearing on SB417.

With no further business before the committee, Chairperson Kerschen adjourned the meeting at 9:30.