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Minutes for SB181 - Committee on Federal and State Affairs

Short Title

Creating the elevator safety act to require inspections of elevators and licensure for elevator installation and repair.

Minutes Content for Tue, Feb 1, 2022

Chairperson Barker opened the meeting for discussion and action on SB181

Representative Arnberger moved to recommend SB181 favorably for passage, seconded by Representative Ruiz.

Representative Arnberger moved to amend SB181, seconded by Representative Ruiz(Attachment 3).

Representative Arnberger stated that this is a technical amendment which changes certain dates.

Following an oral vote, the amendment was favorably passed.

Representative Arnberger moved to amend SB181, seconded by Representative Ruiz(Attachment 4).

Representative Arnberger stated that this amendment contains compromise language between the opponent and some of the proponents and relates to reciprocity and grandfathering.  The revisor provided a further explanation.  Discussion ensued.

Representative Arnberger closed on the amendment.  Following an oral vote, the amendment to SB181 was favorably passed.

Representative Garber moved to amend SB181, seconded by Representative Clayton(Attachment 5).

Representative Garber stated that this amendment would exempt elevators in buildings owned by not-for-profit corporations.  Discussion ensued.

Representative Garber closed on the amendment.  Following an oral vote, the amendment to SB181 failed to pass.

Representative Arnberger moved to recommend SB181, as amended, favorably for passage, seconded by Representative Ruiz.  SB181, as amended, was favorably passed.

Representatives Highberger and Penn asked to have their yes votes recorded: 

Chairperson Barker adjourned the meeting at 10:01 a.m.