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Minutes for HB2109 - Committee on Judiciary
Short Title
Increasing the county population threshold for a county to be required to have a lawyer representative, increasing the number of lawyer members and decreasing the number of non-lawyer members on the board of indigents' defense services.
Minutes Content for Thu, Jan 27, 2022
Chairperson Warren called for discussion and final action on HB2109.
Senator Warren presented a technical amendment. Jason Thompson, Senior Assistant Revisor, updated the Committee on HB2109, discussed the recommended changes, and responded to questions. (Attachment 3)
Senator Gossage moved, Senator Baumgardner seconded, to adopt the amendment. The motion carried.
Senator Gossage moved, Senator Baumgardner seconded, to recommend HB2109 favorably for passage, as amended. The motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 10:51 a.m.