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Minutes for HB2500 - Committee on Taxation

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Providing sales tax authority for Wilson county.

Minutes Content for Tue, Feb 1, 2022

Chairperson Smith opened the hearing for HB2500.

Adam Siebers, Assistant Revisor, provided an overview for HB2500 that would allow Wilson County to submit to the electors the ability to impose a countywide retailers' sales tax to support emergency medical and ambulance services in the county.  (Attachment 1) Mr. Siebers stood for questions from Committee members.

Amy Kramer, KDOR, provided an overview for HB2500 noting the bill would not have a fiscal effect on state revenues and would only affect local sales tax collections in Wilson County.  HB2500 would allow Wilson County to place on the ballot a question imposing a sales tax at the rate of 0.25 percent, 0.5 percent, 0.75 percent, or 1.0 percent for the purpose of supporting emergency medical and ambulance services.  The tax bill would sunset after ten years but the county may submit a question to the county electors imposing the tax for an additional 10-year period.  Ms. Kramer noted the administrative costs associated with implementing the bill would be negligible and could be absorbed with existing resources. Ms. Kramer stood for questions from Committee members.


Johnathan Durrett, CEO of Fredonia Regional Hospital, testified as a proponent for HB2500 stating the bill ensures the voters of Wilson County to decided how they want to provide funding for Emergency Medical Services within Wilson County without jeopardizing the existing sales tax funding for Fredonia Regional Hospital and Wilson Medical Center. (Attachment 2)                  Mr. Durrett stood for questions from Committee members.

Eddy R. Truelove, City Administrator, City of Neodesha, testified as a proponent for HB2500 via Webex.  The bill provides Wilson County to decide whether or not to fund their EMS services with a county-wide sales tax without putting Wilson Medical Center or Fredonia Regional Hospital's city sales tax funding at risk. (Attachment 3)

Representative Newland, District 13, testified as a proponent for HB2500 stating this bill is very important to have EMS services for Neodesha and Fredonia.  The services for the northern half of the county is usually serviced by Fredonia and the southern half is usually serviced by Neodesha.  He noted the two EMS services work in conjunction with each other.  Representative Newland stood for questions from Committee members.  No testimony submitted.

Written testimony as proponents for HB2500 was submitted by the following:

David Bixler, CEO, Wilson Medical Center,  (Attachment 4)

Kris Marple, Wilson County Coordinator, (Attachment 5)

Doctor Ashley Houser, Fredonia Regional Hospital, (Attachment 6)

Chairperson Smith closed the hearing on HB2500.