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Minutes for SB101 - Committee on Transportation

Short Title

Approving the operation and use of electric-assisted bicycles and regulating the use thereof.

Minutes Content for Tue, Feb 1, 2022

Staff briefed the Committee on the contents of this bill and stood for questions. (Attachment 1)

The Chairman recognized Gary Robbins as the first proponent. (Attachment 2) According to Mr. Robbins the purpose of the bill is to bring Kansas' law for electric bicycles into alignment with modern technology and uniformity with other state laws.  He said there are now 36 states who have passed this legislation.

The next conferee was supposed to be Ash Lovell but she was unable to attend the hearing so Mr. Robbins made a few remarks from her testimony. (Attachment 3)  According to Ms. Lovell's testimony, their goal is to harmonize terminology and regulations at all levels of government so electric-assisted bicycles have as consistent rules as possible throughout the United States.  She pointed out that SB101 does not make any dramatic changes to the overall system of electric-assisted bicycles regulation in Kansas that this legislation is more of an update than an overhaul.

David Everett was going to give his opposition testimony remotely but he could not be heard so Representative Jacobs made some comments from Mr. Everett's testimony for him. (Attachment 4) Mr. Everett opposes this bill and would like the law and regulations reevaluated and this bill not be passed.  Mr. Everett believes a better standard would be weight of the bike as sold, limiting weight would naturally limit performance of the bike and keep harm at a minimum.  He thought 120 - 150 pounds would be reasonable. Chairman Proehl asked the members to take the time to read the testimony provided.

Wendi Stark provided neutral testimony. (Attachment 5)  Ms. Stark said the League was not opposed to the concept of electric-assisted bicycles as they were when the bill was originally proposed.  She said they did want to draw the Committee's attention to the fact that Class 3 electric-assisted bicycles will be able to travel up to 28 miles per hour and that other states have made additional rules for this category.

There being no other proponents, opponents or neutrals, the Chairman closed the hearing on SB101 and opened the hearing on HB2478.