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Minutes for SB200 - Committee on Public Health and Welfare
Short Title
Expanding the pharmacist's scope of practice to include point-of-care testing for and treatment of certain health conditions.
Minutes Content for Tue, Feb 1, 2022
Jenna Moyer, Staff Revisor, provided a briefing on SB 200. The bill would expand pharmacists scope of practice for point of access on certain health issues including COVID-19. The pharmacist would be authorized to test and treat those health issues. The tests are those that may be administered at home and include pregnancy tests and other tests.
Courtney Cyzman, General Counsel, Kansas Board of Healing Arts, addressed the committee stating the board establishes the appropriate protocol for medical diagnosis and selection of medical treatment. She stated the bill is overly broad as drafted. (Attachment 21)
A question was asked about collaboration between pharmacists and physicians. Ms. Cyzman responded the law permits collaborative practice and collaborative drug therapy management and both are defined in statute.
Senator Baumgardner stated she had an amendment. She said when the bill was heard last year, there was disagreement between the pharmacists and the medical society. The two groups were asked to get together and come back when they had agreement. The amendment represents the agreement. It removes COVID-19 and narrows the scope of what a pharmacist can and cannot do. (Attachment 22)
A question was asked about concern of a statewide protocol.
Rachelle Columbo, Kansas Medical Society, responded to the question. She stated the statewide protocol is defined by an advisory group.
Other questions were asked.
Senator Baumgardner moved, seconded by Senator O'Shea, to pass the amendment favorably. Discussion ensued. Motion carried. Senator Baumgardner moved, seconded by Senator O'Shea, to pass favorably SB 200, as amended. Motion carried. Senator Steffen requested his "nay" vote be recorded.