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Minutes for HB2511 - Committee on K-12 Education Budget

Short Title

Authorizing certain students to participate in activities regulated by the Kansas state high school activities association and making members of or persons employed by the Kansas state high school activities association mandatory reporters of child abuse and neglect.

Minutes Content for Mon, Jan 31, 2022

Chairperson Williams opened the hearing on HB 2511

Nick Myers, Kansas Office of Revisor of Statutes, reviewed HB 2511 bill brief with the Committee.(Attachment 1)

Mr. Myers took questions from the Committee.

Chairperson Williams noted to the Committee that the Fiscal Note has been received for HB 2511.

Bill Faflick from Kansas State High School Activities Association (KSHSAA) spoke as an opponent of HB 2511. Mr. Faflick noted that the philosophical basis of all KSHSAA activities is that the student responsibilities come before being an athlete. He noted that HB 2511 imposes eligibility for students choosing home school without regard to those students being accountable to the same standards. He stated that current KSHSAA policy offers two remedies providing relief for athletic endeavors for students taking classes outside of member schools. He noted that KSHSAA has no reservations regarding the expectation of mandatory reporting but respectfully asked that reporting be limited to administrative staff, congruent to expectations at Kansas schools.  (Attachment 2)

Mr. Faflick responded to questions from the Committee.

Mark Tallman, Kansas Association of School Boards (KASB), spoke as an opponent of HB 2511. Mr. Tallman noted that KASB appears in opposition to this bill primarly based on policy adopted their member school boards, that responsibility for governance of student activities is assigned to KSHSAA.  He noted that KASB has no objection to the provisions on the KSHSAA mandatory reporting. (Attachment 3)

Mr. Tallman responded to questions from the Committee.

Written testimony in opposition of HB 2511 was received:

Deena Horst and Ben Jones, Legislative Liaisons, Kansas State Board of Education (Attachment 4)

Keith Hall, Superintendent / High School Principal, Thunder Ridge USD 110 (Attachment 5)

Jennifer King Reid, Eisenhower Middle School Assistant Principal / Athletic Director, Goddard USD 265 (Attachment 6)

Phil Bressler, Sterling Junior and Senior High School Principal, Sterling USD 376 (Attachment 7)

Jason Menard, Assistant Principal / Activities Director, Douglass USD 396 and President of Kansas Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (KIAAA) (Attachment 8)

Rod Wittmer, Principal, Holton High School, Holton USD 336 (Attachment 9)

Todd Hague, Assistant Principal / Activities Director, Cheney Middle and High School, Cheney USD 268 (Attachment 10)

John West, Private Citizen (Attachment 11)

There being no further conferees, Chairperson Williams closed the hearing on HB 2511.