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Minutes for SB346 - Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources

Short Title

Allowing for the on-farm retail sale of milk and milk products, authorizing the secretary of agriculture to declare an imminent health hazard, extending certain milk and dairy license fees and establishing certain standards for milk.

Minutes Content for Thu, Jan 27, 2022

Chairperson Kerschen called for final action on SB346.

Tamera  Lawrence with the Revisor of Statutes Office distributed a balloon amendment which made some corrections to the language in the bill.(Attachment 1)  Senator Ware moved and Senator McGinn seconded to approve the amendment.  Motion carried.

Senator Straub offered a balloon amendment which in section 2  line 7  strikes "and" and replaces it with "or" so it reads "milk or milk products are raw or unpasteurized."(Attachment 2)  Committee members agreed that keeping the labels shorter is better. There was discussion on whether it is better to use the term raw milk or unpasteurized milk..Ken Titus with the Department of Agriculture said their preference is unpasteurized, but they are comfortable with the term raw milk.  He said they are basically the same thing.

Senator Straub moved and Senator McGinn seconded to approve the amendment.  Motion carried.

Senator Francisco then offered a balloon amendment.  This amendment would change the wording in section 2a to read 'includes the following in a clearly visible font size: " raw unpasteurized milk." ' '.(Attachment 3) Senator Francisco believes that consumers are more comfortable with the wording unpasteurized.  More discussion followed centering on the topic of the terms raw and unpasteurized as they apply to other dairy product like cheese and yogurt.

Senator Francisco then moved and Senator Ware seconded to approve the amendment.  Motion failed.

Senator Straub moved and Senator Fagg seconded to recommend SB346, as amended, favorably for passage.  Motion carried.

With no other business before the committee, Chairperson Kerschen adjourned the meeting at 9:25.