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Minutes for SB331 - Committee on Financial Institutions and Insurance

Short Title

Updating the version of risk-based capital instructions in effect.

Minutes Content for Wed, Jan 26, 2022


Chairperson Longbine opened the hearing on SB331.  Eileen Ma, Assistant Revisor, Kansas Office of Revisor of Statutes (ROS), presented the Revisor's Memorandum brief on the bill and answered a question from Senator Hilderbrand.   (Attachment 7)

Lee Modesitt, Director of Government Affairs and Communication, appeared on behalf of the Kansas Insurance Department to testify in support of the bill.   (Attachment 8)   He answered a question from Senator Gossage pertaining to why this review is done every year.  Chairperson Longbine called for other questions or discussion.  Seeing none, he asked for any other proponent, opponent, or neutral testimony for submission.  There being no response, Chairperson Longbine closed the hearing on SB331.

Chairperson Longbine reminded members that there will be no meeting on Friday or Monday.  The meeting adjourned at 9:50 am.  The next scheduled meeting is Thursday, January 27, 2022 in Room 546-South of the Capitol.