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Minutes for HB2479 - Committee on Agriculture

Short Title

 Making unlawful the capture or possession of ornate box turtles.

Minutes Content for Thu, Jan 27, 2022

Chairperson Rahjes opened the hearing on HB2479 at 3:35 pm.

Kyle Hamilton, Assistant Revisor, Office of The Revisor of Statutes, provided an overview of HB2479.  There is a fiscal note for HB2479.  He stood for questions from the Committee. 



Brad Loveless, Secretary, Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks, appeared before the Committee in support of HB2479 and stood for questions from the Committee.(Attachment 1)

Diane Glynn, District Judge Pro Tem, Shawnee County, appeared before the Committee in support of HB2479 and stood for questions from the Committee.(Attachment 2)

Dr. Benjamin Reed, Assistant Professor of Biology, Washburn University, appeared before the Committee in support of HB2479 providing ecological and biological information.  He stood for questions from the Committee.(Attachment 3)

Dennis Dinwiddie, Director of Conservation and Education, Topeka Zoo and Conservation Center, appeared before the Committee in support of HB2479 and stood for questions.(Attachment 4)

Spencer Tomb, retired Biology Professor, Kansas State University, requested that his testimony be changed from Opponent to Proponent.  After his presentation he stood for questions.(Attachment 5)




With no further conferees, the hearing on HB2479 was closed.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:40 pm.