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Minutes for HB2477 - Committee on Judiciary
Short Title
Renewing certain provisions of law authorizing expanded practice by certain healthcare professionals and suspending certain licensure and other requirements for adult care homes.
Minutes Content for Wed, Jan 19, 2022
Chairperson Warren opened the hearing on HB2477.
Scott Abbott, Assistant Revisor, stated HB2477 would codify Executive Orders #22-01 and #22-02 into statue for a specified period of time, provided an overview of the bill, and stood for questions. (Attachment 1)
Rachel Monger testified in support of HB2477 stating the need for preserving badly needed workforce flexibility to tackle staffing challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic is paramount to keeping residents safe. (Attachment 2)
Linda MowBray testified in support of HB2477 stating the extension of provisions in the bill would provide a safety net while allowing providers to find and create a more permanent solution to the staffing crisis during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Attachment 3)
Tara Mays testified in support of HB2477 stating there wasn't an update to previous testimony submitted during the informational hearing, however, she wanted to reiterate how critical the provision extensions are for the healthcare industry and would echo the comments of the previous conferees. (Attachment 4)
Written only testimony in support of HB2477 was submitted by:
- Haely Ordovne, Chair, Kansas Adult Care Executives Association (Attachment 5)
- Jim Klausman, CEO, Midwest Health, Inc. (Attachment 6)
Courtney Cyzman provided neutral testimony on HB2477 stating there are many aspects of the bill the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts supports, including regulatory flexibility to re-facilitate the state's response to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, there are some substantive provisions of the bill that present public safety concerns and the Board requests the legislature amend HB2477. (Attachment 7)
Discussion and questions from the Committee member of testimony participants were addressed.
Chairperson Warren closed the hearing on HB2477.
Chairperson Warren called for discussion and final action on HB2477.
Senator Corson proposed an amendment. Scott Abbott discussed the proposed changes. (Attachment 8)
Questions and discussions ensued on the topic of licensed healthcare specialties in other states that are not recognized by the State of Kansas.
Senator Corson moved, Senator Wilborn seconded, to adopt the proposed amendment. There was additional discussion. The motion failed.
Senator Baumgardner proposed a voice amendment to add language to Senator Corson's amendment that would not allow anyone to receive temporary licensure in the State of Kansas if the profession is not authorized in the in the State of Kansas. The revisor will prepare a new amendment adding the language requested to bring before the Committee.
Chairperson Warren suspended action on HB2477 while the amendment changes were being made.