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Minutes for SB150 - Committee on Judiciary

Short Title

Defining and prohibiting certain deceptive lawsuit advertising practices and restricting the use or disclosure of protected health information to solicit individuals for legal services.

Minutes Content for Wed, Jan 19, 2022

Chairperson Warren called for discussion and action on SB150.

Jason Thompson, Senior Assistant Revisor, provided a review of SB150 and stood for questions from Committee members.

Committee member discussions ensued.

Senator Baumgardner moved to recommend SB150 favaorably for passage. Senator Wilborn announced an amendment. Senator Baumgardner withdrew the motion.

Senator Wilborn proposed a pro bono legal services amendment. (Attachment 9) The revisor discussed the proposed amendment and stood for questions.

Senator Wilborn moved, Senator Baumgardner seconded, to adopt the amendment. The motion carried.

Senator Baumgardner moved to recommend SB150 favorably for passage, as amended. Senator Bowers seconded. The motion carried.

Senator Haley and Senator Corson requested their 'Nay' vote be recorded.