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Minutes for HB2476 - Committee on Transportation

Short Title

Providing for the silver star and bronze star distinctive license plates.

Minutes Content for Thu, Jan 20, 2022

Staff briefed the Committee on the contents of this bill and answered questions. (Attachment 4)

The first proponent was Representative Tim Johnson.  (Attachment 5)  He said their intent with this bill is to show the respect and honor for our service members who have received either of these two great military awards. He said currently Kansas has only stickers to denote the Silver Star and Bronze Star. He said another point is to show pride to all those who have served and received special honors. 

The next proponent was Robert Warren Oliver, Jr. (Attachment 6) He said many states allow decorated combat veterans to be honored via the display of clearly identifiable distinctive license plates.  Mr. Oliver said many of the states surrounding Kansas allow Silver and Bronze Star awardees to display such information with distinctive license plates. He said not many people know what the Silver Star or Bronze Star ribbon looks like or what it symbolizes. Because he is proud of his service and performance of duties to our nation he would like to see this distinctive license plate approved.

The Chairman drew the Committee's attention to Written Testimony submitted in support of HB2476 by Larry Joe Powell.(Attachment 7)

There were no other proponents or opponents so the Chairman closed the hearing on HB2476.


Chairman Proehl announced that the next meeting would be on Tuesday, January 25, 2022.  The Committee will hear SB101, HB2478 and HB2483.

There being no further business before the Committee the meeting was adjourned.