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Jan. 15, 2025
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Minutes for HB2477 - Committee on Judiciary

Short Title

Renewing certain provisions of law authorizing expanded practice by certain healthcare professionals and suspending certain licensure and other requirements for adult care homes.

Minutes Content for Thu, Jan 13, 2022


Chairperson Patton opened the hearing on HB2477.  Scott Abbott reviewed the bill and answered questions from the membership. (Attachment 1)


Rachel Monger testified that over the last year nursing homes have struggled with serious staffing shortages. In October they conducted an extensive survey of long-term care providers in Kansas. The survey showed that staffing shortages and financial instability in long term care had reached dangerous new levels, confirmed by their recent meetings with 50 nonprofit senior care leaders across the state. These shortages are now made exponentially worse by the rise of the Omicron variant which has sidelined much of their already meager workforce due to increased positive cases and exposures. The Governor's Executive Orders were an incredibly effective tool earlier in the pandemic, allowing adult care homes to quickly and efficiently train new and existing staff to fulfill critical roles in resident care. They are thankful for the support we have received from our Legislature, Governor, and state agencies throughout this pandemic. They have all worked together over these last two years to keep Kansas seniors safe, and we hope to continue that work through passage of HB2477(Attachment 2)

Tara Mays stated Kansas hospitals continue to serve on the front lines in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. The flexibility provided by Executive Orders 22-01 and 22-02 has provided Kansas hospitals with needed tools to address staffing challenges and ensure access to care for patients during a time when they are experiencing historic patient volumes. To ensure that they have the flexibility needed to address the patient volumes they are currently experiencing, they are asking this committee to consider further extending the provisions of the executive orders. Ms. Mays thanked the membership for their support of HB2477. (Attachment 3)

Linda MowBray stated while HB2477 is not the panacea that will solve all their workforce needs. Instead, it is a much-needed safety net which will allow providers to work together with their associations, agencies, the Legislature and the Governor’s office to find and create more permanent solutions to their staffing crisis. They gratefully acknowledge the cooperative efforts between all entities involved to ease our burden and answer their cries for help. We support passage of HB2477. (Attachment 4)

Chairperson Patton directed the membership to the additional written testimony that was available.

Written Proponent

Haely Ordoyne, Chairwoman for Kansas Adult Care, Kansas Adult Care Executive Association (Attachment 5)

Jim Clausman, CEO, Midwest Health (Attachment 6)



Courtney Cyzman, General Counsel, Kansas State Board of Healing Arts, spoke in place of Susan Gile who was scheduled. Ms. Cyzman stated the main concern is Section 2, subsection (h and i). The board believes these subsections endangers public safety because they allow any "health care professional" (a term not defined) licensed and in good standing in any state or territory to practice within Kansas without the need for a Kansas license of Kansas regulatory oversight. Ms Cyzman offered a potential spelled out in her attached testimony. Ms. Cyzman thanked the committee membership for considering the testimony presented. (Attachment 7)