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Minutes for SB42 - Committee on Public Health and Welfare

Short Title

Concerning the study and investigation of maternal deaths in the state of Kansas.

Minutes Content for Thu, Jan 20, 2022

Chairperson Hilderbrand opened the hearing on SB42.

Senator Oletha Faust-Goudeau gave proponent testimony sharing the story of Rita Williams Thompson and the birth of her daughter, Charmain in 1979. Ms. Thompson had expressed to doctors on three different visits that something was wrong with her pregnancy and her concerns were completely dismissed. It is her hope that if her story can help prevent any other premature births where expectant mothers have shared their health concerns that were not validated or addressed by their doctors, then all she had endured in her life will be a benefit to many. She added to bean advocate for your own health and to question what doctors tell you because they are not always right. (Attachment 1)

Sapphire Lies-Garcia, in her testimony, stated that SB42 would move Kansans closer to tangible solutions by enlisting the help of more stakeholders from the communities most impacted by maternal mortality. (Attachment 2)

Dr. Sharla Smith stated that the passage of SB42 would allow Kansans to know why a woman in Kansas that dies during birth; examine more thoroughly the social determinants of health associated with these deaths, and develop metrics and support continuity of care for all women. (Attachment 3)

Stacey Knoell supports SB42 as it would allow KDHE to look into any and all cases of maternal death specifically with an eye on the race of the mother and any social determinants of health that may come into play. (Attachment 4)

Lucrecia Nold said in her testimony that SB42 is important because it will help standardize the investigation process into why women from minority communities - most particularly from African American communities - are experiencing maternal mortality at tragic and unacceptably high rates.  (Attachment 5)

Proponent, written-only testimony was submitted by:

     Heather Braum, Health Policy Advisor, Kansas Action for Children (Attachment 6)

     Jennie Toland, BSN, RN, CLC, Co-Executive Director, Kansas Breastfeeding Coalition (Attachment 7)

     Tracy Russell Executive Director, Nurture KC (Attachment 8)

     McClain Macklin, Director of Policy and Strategic Initiatives (Attachment 9)

     Melody McCray Miller, Wichita Birth Justice Society (Attachment 10)

Neutral, written only testimony was submitted by:

     Kasey Sorell, Health Program Consultant, KDHE (Attachment 11)

 Questions were asked by committee members.

Chairperson Hilderbrand closed the hearing on SB42.