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Minutes for SB181 - Committee on Federal and State Affairs

Short Title

Creating the elevator safety act to require inspections of elevators and licensure for elevator installation and repair.

Minutes Content for Wed, Jan 19, 2022

Chairperson Barker opened the hearing on SB181.  The Revisor, Mike Heim, provided an overview of the bill.

Chairperson Barker recognized John Federico as a proponent of SB181 (Attachment 1).   He stated that Kansas is one of only two states that has not adopted a statewide safety code for elevators and escalators.  Kansas currently has no requirement for inspection of commercial elevators or escalators and no requirement that the people who install, maintain and repair elevators be trained or licensed.  Kansas is significantly lagging behind other states in the oversight of basic elevator safety standards.  Questions were asked by Representatives Smith and Waggoner.

Amy Blankenbiller testified as a proponent of SB181 (Attachment 2).  She stated that safety is the number one issue.  Of concern is that there are multiple jurisdictions that have no safety requirements at all, which poses an incredibly high safety risk for both the riding public and industry personnel.  Industry personnel who work on elevators have no confidence that the person who worked on it before have the necessary level of training, skills and knowledge.  SB181 is an important bill to create minimum safety standards that are logical and necessary to protect both the riding public and elevator industry workers in the state of Kansas.  Representative Miller had a question for the conferee.

Chairperson Barker recognized Craig Jones as an opponent to SB181  (Attachment 3).  He stated that this bill will increase his cost of doing business.  He asked the Committee to consider the costs to the business owners and taxpayers in Kansas before enacting this bill.  He was questioned by Representatives Thomas, Arnberger, and Penn.

The Chair recognized Doug Jorgensen as an opponent to the bill (Attachment 4).  He stated that an amendment was added to the bill late last year exempting cities and counties.  The amendment will exempt 90 percent or more of the elevators and escalators in the state. As a result, the Office of the State Fire Marshal will not have enough funds to start and oversee the program,  The Office of the State Fire Marshal cannot support the bill in its current form.  Questions were asked by Chairperson Barker and Representative Eplee.

Michele Roberts-Bauer was recognized by the Chairperson as an opponent to SB181 (Attachment 5).  She stated her association feels that grandfathering is an important element to be included in the bill.  They would also request that the language allowing local jurisdictions to have additional licensing requirements be removed from the bill.

Chairperson Barker recognized Randy Stookey as a neutral to SB181 (Attachment 6).  He stated that the Kansas Grain and Feed Association (KGFA) and Renew Kansas Biofuels Association want to make sure that they remain as exempt parties to this bill should it go forward. 

John Goodyear testified as a neutral on SB181 (Attachment 7).  He stated that the League of Kansas Municipalities respectfully requests that the local government entities will be able to enact or continue to enforce higher local standards through their home rule authority and to certify or license those individuals qualified to meet those standards.

Representative Garber requested information from the Research Department regarding the estimated number of elevators, lifts, human moving devices in the state, the number of accidents involving human fatalities and injuries, as well as the same information from other states who already have these laws in place.

Chairperson Barker stated that there was neutral written only testimony from Shahira Stafford on behalf of the Kansas Cooperative Council (Attachment 8).

There being no further conferees, Chairperson Barker closed the hearing on SB181.

Chairperson Barker stated that the minutes of January 11, 2022 had been sent out to the Committee.  He called for a motion to approve the minutes.

Representative Arnberger moved that the minutes of January 11, 2022, be approved as submitted, seconded by Representative Eplee. The minutes were approved.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:04 a.m.