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Feb. 5, 2025
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Minutes for SB286 - Committee on Judiciary

Short Title

Establishing the COVID-19 governmental use claims fund to provide funds for impacted businesses, providing for income tax credits for impacted businesses, providing for the reimbursement to certain property owners of property taxes resulting from a forced shutdown or capacity limitation and creating a business loan forgiveness program.

Minutes Content for Mon, May 3, 2021

Senator Warren presented 21rs2220 as a proposed replacement for SB286. Jason Thompson explained 21rs2220 specifying how it differs from the original bill and the balloon amendment discussed in committee on March 26. (Attachment 1). The proposal enacts the COVID-19 business relief act to provide funds for impacted businesses, creates the COVID-19 business relief fund and the COVID-19 business relief claims board, provides for administration of this act by the attorney general and requires certain counties to establish and to administer a county COVID-19 business relief fund and certain cities to establish and to administer a city COVID-19 relief fund.

Adam Proffitt submitted the fiscal note for SB286 (Attachment 2).

Attorney General Derek Schmidt was available for questions. He stated that his office appreciates the Legislature addressing these issues now so that they do not have to be decided on a case-by-case basis in the future.

There were questions for the Revisor about 21rs2220.

Ryan Kriegshauser spoke in support of SB286 stating that 21rs2220 is well constructed and that it addresses concerns found in the original bill. (Attachment 3)

Scott Schneider spoke in support of SB286 stating that he appreciates the work that has been done on 21rs2220. The definition of 50 or less employees for a business gives a good approach for small businesses that do not have the banking sophistication of larger entities.(Attachment 4)

Eric Stafford spoke in support of SB286 stating that the goal of this bill is to give aid to businesses impacted by COVID-19 and the bill and 21rs2220 address this. This gives structure to the relief process. (Attachment 5)

Jay Hall gave neutral testimony for SB286 stating that the process in 21rs2220 does not give counties control or input. He would like to see guidance that include counties in the decision process.(Attachment 6).

Amanda Stanley gave neutral testimony for SB286 stating her organization appreciates the correction of ambiguous language found in the earlier version. There is concern that a three-person board will be making decisions without input from cities or counties, and without a process for appeal or oversight. (Attachment 7)

Sarah LaFrenz gave neutral testimony of SB286 stating that the bill gives incomplete compensation for pandemic relief. Her organization supports a pay section for essential workers by giving a bonus of $3.00/hr. for workers making less than $25/hr. for the rest of the pandemic, as proposed in SB289. (Attachment 8).

There was discussion.

The hearing was closed.