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Minutes for SB51 - Committee on Education

Short Title

Requiring the state department of education and the department for children and families to publish a Kansas foster care children academic report card.

Minutes Content for Wed, Mar 24, 2021

Chairperson Huebert opened the hearing on SB51.  Revisor Nick Myers gave an overview of the bill. (Attachment 19)

Mark Tallman, Kansas Association of School Boards (KASB), spoke as a proponent of this bill and affirmed support for this updated legislation on student report cards for children in foster care. (Attachment 20)

Scott Hendricks spoke on behalf of the Department of Children and Families (DCF).  They are very much in favor of this program as it supports children in foster care who often have to move from place to place.  He shared the history of this idea that is now in front of the Committee.  DCF is very appreciative of the partnership with the Kansas Department of Education.  DCF wants to share this type of data to help students in foster care. His department stands in full support of SB51. (Attachment 21)   (Attachment 22)

Written Proponents

Rachel Marsh, CEO, Children's Alliance of Kansas  (Attachment 23)

Mike Fonkert, Just Campaign Director, Kansas Appleseed Center for Law and Justice  (Attachment 24)

Written Neutral

Deena Horst and Ben Jones, Legislative Liaisons, Kansas State Board of Education  (Attachment 25)

There was a brief conversation between the Representatives and the Conferees.  Mark Tallman noted graduation rates for foster care students are far lower than the overall aggregate for many reasons.  Scott Hendricks noted there is recent activity trying to transfer records more carefully when foster care students move from place to place.  Hendricks also noted that there is a shift in trying to keep children in the same placement as much as possible. 

Chairperson Huebert closed the hearing on SB51 and called for final action.

Representative Estes moved, Representative Stogsdill seconded, to recommend SB51 favorably for passage.  Motion carried.