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Minutes for SB233 - Committee on Assessment and Taxation
Short Title
Increasing sales tax collection thresholds relating to time frames for filing returns and paying sales tax by certain retailers.
Minutes Content for Thu, Mar 25, 2021
The Chairperson opened the hearing on SB233. She asked Ms. Kovar-Donohue, Office of Revisor of Statutes, for a review of the legislation. (Attachment 8)
The bill has to do with sales taxation and filing of returns by retailer and increasing the sales tax amount thresholds to file and for payments. She provided other details of the legislation.
The Chairperson noted that, should the Committee work the bill, she would have an amendment having to do with paying actual tax rather than estimating tax for certain taxpayers.
Darcy Smith, joined the Committee meeting via online. She is the owner of a gas station and convenience store in Fort Scott. She is supportive of the bill. (Attachment 9)
The Chairperson noted her personal connection to the conferee.
The conferee responded to questions.
Randy Stookey, Kansas Agribusiness Association, testified in support of the testimony, as well as the anticipated amendment. (Attachment 10)
Scott Schneider, Kansas Restaurant and Hospitality Association, expressed support of SB233. Written testimony will be submitted at a later date.
There were no opponent conferees or neutral conferees.
The hearing on SB233 was closed.