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Minutes for SB286 - Committee on Assessment and Taxation

Short Title

Establishing the COVID-19 governmental use claims fund to provide funds for impacted businesses, providing for income tax credits for impacted businesses, providing for the reimbursement to certain property owners of property taxes resulting from a forced shutdown or capacity limitation and creating a business loan forgiveness program.

Minutes Content for Mon, Mar 22, 2021

The Chairperson reconvened the Committee at 3:00pm.

The Chairperson resumed the hearing on SB286.

Trey Cocking, The League of Kansas Municipalities, presented testimony as a neutral conferee.(Attachment 22)

The conferee stood for questions.

The Chairperson called attention to the Written Only neutral testimony from Kari Rinker, American Heart Association (Attachment 23)

Jay Hall, Kansas Association of Counties, joined the Committee meeting via WebEx. Mr. Hall presented testimony as an opponent.  (Attachment 24)

The conferee stood for questions.

The Chairperson called attention to Written Only testimony from Tom Bruno, Bruno & Associates. (Attachment 25)

The Chairperson closed the hearing on SB286.