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Minutes for HB2079 - Committee on Ways and Means

Short Title

Transferring duties concerning address confidentiality program (safe at home) from the secretary of state to the attorney general.

Minutes Content for Wed, Mar 24, 2021

Chairperson Billinger opened the hearing on HB 2079.  Jill Wolters, Office of the Revisor of Statutes, provided an overview of the bill.  (Attachment 1)

Attorney General Derek Schmidt spoke in support of the bill, which would transfer certain responsibilities from the Secretary of State's Office to the Office of the Attorney General.  He addressed the portion relating to administering the Charitable Organization and Solicitations Act.  This doesn't change the law for charitable organizations but it would improve efficiency by combining the administration of it into one agency instead of two.  He clarified some issues that came up in the House debate on this bill regarding the types of charitable organizations and the fees they pay.  Attorney General Schmidt responded to questions from Committee members.  (Attachment 2)

Michelle McCormick, Director of Victims Services, Office of the Attorney General, stood in favor of the bill and addressed the Safe at Home provisions that would be transferred from the Secretary of State's Office to the Office of the Attorney General.  This provision addresses confidentiality of victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking and stalking.  The Attorney General has specialized staff who work with victims of crime every day and this would be a good fit.  (Attachment 3)

Katie Koupal, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Communications and Policy, testified as a proponent of the bill.  The Safe at Home program provides a substitute address for victims and children to protect them from their abusers, stalkers, traffickers, etc.  The Secretary of State has one person who manages this program and they do not have staff trained to deal with victims services.  Also transferring the charitable organization function would allow for improved customer service and more efficient administration.  Ms. Koupal responded to questions from Committee members.  (Attachment 4)

Steven Greene, The Philanthropy Roundtable, spoke in support of the bill as it would align the regulation of nonprofits into the Attorney General's Office where there is the expertise and resources to manage the program.  He included an amendment in his testimony that has been coordinated with the Attorney General's Office.  Mr. Greene responded to questions from Committee members.  (Attachment 5)

There being no further conferees, Chairperson Billinger closed the hearing on HB 2079.