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Minutes for HB2176 - Committee on Local Government
Short Title
Clarify the vacation or exclusion of territory from city boundaries or release of easements.
Minutes Content for Wed, Mar 24, 2021
Chairman Thompson called the meeting to order and noted an error in the February 24 Committee minutes; the person seconding the motion to approve SB118 was Representative Curtis. Representative Sanders moved and Representative Amyx seconded to approve the minutes for March 17, 2021. The motion passed.
The Chair invited members to consider action on HB2176, which was originally heard by the Committee on February 3, 2021.
Senior Revisor Mike Heim reviewed the salient aspects of the bill, which, he noted, had been referred to the House Appropriations Committee and re-referred back to the House Local Government Committee. He said the bill clarifies current law regarding easements and establishes procedures for vacating property. Responding to a question, he said the bill deals only with land, not with land on which structures have been built.
Representative Blex moved, seconded by Representative Curtis, to amend the bill by inserting after page 2 line 6 a clarification that the bill offers an alternative to other vacation processes. (Attachment 1) The motion to amend passed.
Representative Blex moved and Representative Lee-Hahn seconded to consider the bill as amended to be favorable for passage. The motion passed unanimously.