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Minutes for SB24 - Committee on Energy, Utilities and Telecommunications

Short Title

Prohibiting municipalities from imposing restrictions on customer's use of energy based upon source of energy.

Minutes Content for Thu, Mar 18, 2021

The Chair asked Nick Myers to provide the overview on SB24.  Chairman Seiwert asked if there were any questions.  No questions.

The Chair opened the debate on SB24 and asked if there were any amendments. 

Representative Bergquist presented a balloon amendment that requests new performant standards for efficiency and safety relating to energy use in new or existing buildings.Chair Seiwert asked to have the amendment explained.  Nick Myers explained the amendment and stood for questions. 

Representative Bergquist moved and Representative Delperdang seconded to have the amendment discussed. (Attachment)

The Chair asked if there were any questions.  After additional discussion Representative Bergquist withdrew his amendment.

Chair Seiwert asked if there were any additional amendments. 

Representative Delperdang presented a balloon amendment to show a municipality shall provide full disclosure of waste generation and disposal of such waste material.(Attachment)

Chair Seiwert asked to have the amendment explained.  Nick Myers explained the amendment and stood for questions.

Representative Delperdang moved and Representative Bergquist seconded to have the amendment discussed.  The Chair asked is there were any questions.  After additional discussion Representative Delperdang withdrew his amendment.

Representative Kessler presented a balloon amendment to including the use of propane as a utility service. (Attachment)

Chair Seiwert asked to have the amendment explained.  Nick Myers explained the amendment and stood for questions.

Representative Kessler moved and Representative Mason seconded to have the amendment discussed. After additional discussion, Kessler moved to amend SB24. The motion passed on a voice vote.

Chairman Seiwert asked if there were any additional amendments?  Seeing none, all in favor of passing SB24 as amended favorably, say Aye.  Ayes have it. Motion passed on a voice vote.  Representative Carmichael asked that his yes vote be recorded.  Representative Mason asked that his yes vote be recorded.

Adjourned the meeting at 9:55 am.  Next meeting is Tuesday, March 23, 2021 9:00 am in room 582N.