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Minutes for HB2244 - Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources

Short Title

Establishing requirements for the effective disposal of industrial hemp and requiring industrial hemp processors to register with the state fire marshal.

Minutes Content for Thu, Mar 18, 2021

Chairperson Kerschen opened the continuation of the hearing on HB2244.

Kelly Rippel spoke in support of the bill on behalf of Kevin Barone. He feels that it is important to have rules and regulations in the statutes.  He also provided the committee with background information on various policies dealing with hemp.(Attachment 1)

Colby Terlip testified as proponent of the bill.  He believes that the passage of this bill is necessary because it will turn hemp into the traditional commodity market that it deserves to be.  He also explained some concerns he had and changes he feels need to be made within the bill. He provided some documents that explain in detail what laws, rules, and regulations that are affecting hemp farmers and producers.(Attachment 2) (Attachment3) (Attachment 4) (Attachment 5 )(Attachment 6)

Heath Martin spoke in favor of the bill.  He told the committee that he feels the passage of the bill provides a massive opportunity for Kansas farmers and businesses, but also believes that these farmers and businessmen need to have the freedom to operate in a manner that makes them competitive with surrounding states.(Attachment 7)

Steve McGarrath testified in support of the bill, but had some suggestions for amendments to the bill which he believes would make it better.(Attachment 8) 

Written proponent testimony was provided by Sidney Black-Kansas Heritage Farms(Attachment 9)

Nick Reinecker spoke in opposition of the bill.  He believes that farmers in Kansas should not have to be unduly burdened by government regulations.(Attachment 10)

After a brief discussion, Chairperson Kerschen closed the hearing on HB2244.

Chairperson Kerschen announced that other business on the agenda for the meeting would be addressed at the next scheduled meeting on March 23. He then adjourned the meeting at 9:30.