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Minutes for HB2224 - Committee on Public Health and Welfare

Short Title

Expanding the definition of "infectious disease" in certain statutes related to crimes in which bodily fluids may have been transmitted from one person to another.

Minutes Content for Thu, Mar 25, 2021

Chairperson Hilderbrand opened the hearing on HB2224.

Jenna Moyer, Staff Revisor gave an overview of the bill.

Ed Klumpp presented proponent testimony stating that by passing HB224 it will update the laws by referencing the list of infectious diseases identified by KDHE instead of only covering HIV/AID as infectious or contagious in nature and replaces the narrower definition of infectious diseases as AIDS and Hepatitis B. The Covid pandemic has made this change even more urgent. (Attachment 2)

Farah Ahmed spoke as a proponent. She said that HB2224 updated the definition of "Infectious Diseases" to include those diseases designated by the Secretary of KDHE as infectious diseases as AIDS. HB2224 also strikes the definition of infectious diseases as only HIV and Hepatitis B. (Attachment 3)

Written proponent testimony was submitted by:

Wendi Stark, Research Associate, League of Kansas Municipalities. (Attachment 4)

Mik Shanks, President, Kansas Fraternal Order of Police. (Attachment 5)

Chairperson Hilderbrand closed the hearing on HB224.