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Minutes for HB2114 - Committee on Public Health and Welfare

Short Title

Establishing the Kansas senior care task force.

Minutes Content for Tue, Mar 23, 2021

Chairperson Hilderbrand opened the hearing on HB2114.

Jenna Moyer, Staff Revisor gave an overview of the bill.

Margaret Farley gave proponent testimony on HB2114. She stated that KABC supports the need for a formalized task force to review areas of concern to older adults and provide direction for senior services. She asked that the committee include the study of community supports and services available for older adults to the list of study topics. (Attachment 1)

Rachel Monger said in her proponent testimony that she is in strong support of HB2114.  She stated that the goal of tackling issues in long term care grow more urgent by the day and the issues that are faced are long-standing and very complex. (Attachment 2)

Tanya Dorf-Brunner testified as a proponent by stating she is pleased to see the proposal to establish a Senior Care Task Force. The needs of older Kansans are significant and this Task Force offers the opportunity for a systemic look at the services and supports needed to ensure that people can age with dignity and in the best health possible. (Attachment 3)

Judy Davis-Cole gave proponent testimony. She testified that the development of a Senior Care Task Force will serve Kansas seniors and communities and will address a wide range of financial and health security matters. (Attachment) 4)

Jamie Gideon testified as a proponent by stating that the Senior Task Force will serve as a central body to coordinate engagement with older Kansans and champion their priorities and is a positive step toward addressing the needs of those with dementia in Kansas. (Attachment 5)

Questions were asked by committee members.

Written only, proponent testimony was submitted by:

Leslie Anderson, Executive Director, k4ad (Attachment 6)

Chairperson Hilderbrand closed the hearing on HB2114.