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Minutes for HB2417 - Committee on Federal and State Affairs

Short Title

Allowing clubs and drinking establishments to sell beer and cereal malt beverage for consumption off the licensed premises.

Minutes Content for Wed, Mar 17, 2021

Chairperson Barker opened the hearing on HB2417.  Matt Sterling, Revisor of Statutes, provided an overview on the bill (Attachment 15).

Chairperson Barker recognized the following individuals as proponents on HB2417:  Amy Campbell (Attachment 16); Brian Davis (Attachment 17); and Scott Schneider (Attachment 18).

Questions were then asked by Representatives Ruiz and Howe.

Chairperson Barker noted that there were no opponents to HB2417.

Chairperson Barker then recognized Debbi Beavers as a neutral on HB2417 (Attachment 19).  Representative Hoye had a question for Ms. Beavers. 

Chairperson Barker noted that there were no further neutrals and closed the hearing on HB2417.