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Minutes for HB2227 - Committee on Judiciary

Short Title

Allowing the chief justice to suspend certain time limitations during a state of local disaster emergency, suspend certain verification requirements and authorize use of electronic audio-visual communication to expeditiously resolve cases, and extending the chief justice's authority to suspend time limitations during a disaster emergency until June 30, 2022.

Minutes Content for Tue, Mar 16, 2021

Jason Thompson gave a bill brief on HB2227 stating it allows the chief justice of the supreme court to suspend certain time limitations during a state of local disaster emergency, suspend certain verification requirements and authorize use of electronic audio-visual communication to expeditiously resolve cases, and extends the chief justice's authority to suspend time limitations during a disaster emergency until June 30, 2022.(Attachment 1)

Adam Proffitt submitted the fiscal note for HB2227.(Attachment 2)

Proponent, Oral

Shawn Jurgensen spoke in support of HB2227 stating that it is critical to the judicial branch's response to the pandemic to have these authorities to be flexible in disaster response and to allow them to tailor a response to the disaster. Extending audio-visual proceedings during the emergency has provided court service and allowed for less failure to appear. It is hoped to be able to continue using this going forward. (Attachment 3)

Nicholas St. Peter spoke in support of HB2227 explaining he is Chair of Virtual Court Proceedings Committee and has seen technology become such a huge part of how we handle proceedings. If it goes away on March 31, it will cripple the system. It has become more efficient and more convenient for the citizens of Kansas.(Attachment 4)

Proponent, Written

There was discussion.

The hearing was closed.