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March 12, 2025
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Minutes for SB63 - Committee on K-12 Education Budget

Short Title

Expanding the provision of the ACT college entrance exam and workkeys assessments to students enrolled in nonpublic schools.

Minutes Content for Tue, Mar 16, 2021

Chair Williams opened the meeting at 3:39

Nick Myers provided a brief over SB63 (Attachment 1)

There was no proponent testimony.

Neutral written testimony:

Deena Horst and Ben Jones, State Board of Education Legislative Liaisons, (Attachment 2)

Discussion ensued.

Opponent oral testimony:

Jennifer Laporte, Chair of CHECK, Kansas State Homeschool Association, provided testimony for the committee stating that SB63 does not discuss what data the state receives from ACT for students taking the state access ACT test.  It only mentions a requirement of a report of aggregate data from the department of Education to the committee.  Requested that homeschools be removed from the bill.  To assure that non-homeschoolers aren't unintentionally removed from the bill. (Attachment 3)

Discussion ensued

Scott A. Woodruff, Esq., Senior Counsel for Kansas State Homeschool Association, provided testimony to the committee, requesting the committee amend SB 63 to remove homeschoolers from the bill.  The bill as it is currently written poses a threat to the current status quo of parental autonomy in Kansas.  When the government funnels state money to homeschool families, even by paying for ACT exams, it establishes a precedent that could be used to increase the regulatory burden on those families. (Attachment 4)

Chair Williams adjourned the meeting at 4:45 PM.