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Minutes for SB245 - Committee on Financial Institutions and Insurance

Short Title

Providing for the financing of electrical corporations through the issuance of securitization bonds.

Minutes Content for Thu, Mar 18, 2021

Chairman Longbine called for discussion and actions on SB245.  Eileen Ma, Assistant Revisor, Office of Kansas Revisor of Statutes (ROS), presented an overview of the changes, additions and current status of the bill.  (Attachment 1)  Also, a copy of Proposed  Substitute for Senate Bill No. 245 was distributed.  (Attachment 2)  There was discussion regarding whether it was more prudent to amend SB245 or go forward with the Substitute for Senate Bill No. 245.  The committee decided to continue with the substitute bill.


Senator Dietrich moved, seconded by Senator Gossage, to pass Substitute for Senate Bill 245 with favorable recommendation from the committee.  The motion carried.


Senator Olson moved, seconded by Senator Hilderbrand, to empty the contents of HB2072 and insert the contents of Substitute for Senate Bill 245, thus creating Senate Substitute HB2072.  The motion carried.


Senator Olson moved, seconded by Senator Dietrich, to pass Senate Substitute HB2072 with favorable recommendation from the committee.  The motion carried.


Final Action on Bills previously heard:

Chairman Longbine called for motions or actions on HB2243. A balloon amendment was presented to change the enactment date.  (Attachment 3)

Senator Hilderbrand moved, Senator Olson seconded, to adopt the amendment to HB2243.  The amendment was adopted


Senator Olson moved, Senator Dietrich seconded, to pass HB2243, as amended, with favorable recommendation from the committee.  The motion carried.


Chairman Longbine asked for motions or actions on HB2064.  A balloon amendment was presented.  (Attachment 4) 

Senator Hilderbrand moved, Senator Olson seconded, to adopt the amendment to HB2064.  The amendment was adopted.


Senator Hilderbrand moved, seconded by Senator Dietrich, to pass HB2064, as amended, with favorable recommendation from the committee.  The motion carried.



Chairman Longbine called for motions or actions on HB2187, which was heard in committee on 3/16/2021.  The Chair offered a conceptual amendment to move the enactment date to publication in the Kansas Register and then send the amended bill to conference committee.

Senator Olson moved, Senator Gossage seconded to adopt the conceptual amendment.  There was discussion regarding the suggestion to investigate the possibility of adding mobile homes to the acceptable list of first time home-buyer options included.  The Chair agreed and will investigate that possibility in the conference committee.  It may not be possible because of differing tax structures between homes (real property) and mobile homes (personal property).  The Olson-Gossage motion to amend was adopted.


Senator Olson moved, seconded by Senator Holscher, to pass HB2187, as amended, with favorable recommendation from the committee.  The motion carried.


Chairman Longbine called for actions or recommendations on SB265

Senator Olson moved, seconded by Senator Gossage, to pass SB265 with favorable recommendation from the committee.  The motion carried

This concluded the work on previously heard bills for today.