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Minutes for HB2077 - Committee on Judiciary

Short Title

Extending the Kansas criminal justice reform commission, limiting the commission's scope of study and adding a public defender.

Minutes Content for Thu, Mar 18, 2021

Jason Thompson gave a bill brief on HB2077 stating that the bill, as amended by the House, extends the Kansas Criminal Justice Reform Commission, limits the commission's scope of study and adds a public defender to the commission.(Attachment 1)

Adam Proffitt submitted the fiscal note for HB2077. (Attachment 2)

Scott Schultz submitted the prison beds impact assessment for HB2077. (Attachment 3)

Proponent, Oral

Jennifer Kisela spoke in support of HB2077 stating that an interbranch, diverse, and representative working group charged with developing policies, recommending legislation, and monitoring data and implementation is an effective vehicle to promote meaningful policies and minimize unintended consequences. In Kansas, the Criminal Justice Reform Commission serves as this working group and is also an integral part of the Justice Reinvestment Initiative. (Attachment 4)

Proponent, Written

There was discussion.

Neutral, Oral

       Nicholas Reinecker gave neutral testimony on HB2077 stating that a study of cannabis should be included in the bill regardless of what the Legislature does this year with cannabis as it pertains to other matters, and he stated issues dealing with cannabis should undergo study and research by this commission. (Attachment 6)

There was no Opponent testimony.

The hearing was closed.