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Minutes for HCR5015 - Committee on Elections
Short Title
Urging the United States Congress to reject the For the People Act of 2021.
Minutes Content for Tue, Mar 16, 2021
Chairperson Carpenter opened discussion and action on HCR5015 and called upon Mike Heim, Assistant Revisor, Office of Revisor of Statutes. Revisor Heim reviewed the resolution, answered questions and stated he would present a summary of the resolution after the conclusion of the meeting.
The Chairperson acknowledged Representative Bergquist. Representative Bergquist moved, seconded by Representative Tatum Lee-Hahn, to pass out HCR5015. Discussion followed.
Chairperson Carpenter moved, seconded by Representative Michael Dodson, to amend HCR5015. (Attachment 1) Motion passed.
After further discussion, Representative Bergquist moved, seconded by Representative Lee-Hahn, to pass out favorably HCR5015 as amended. Motion passed. These Committee members wished to have their votes recorded: Representative Lee-Hahn--yea, Representative Ken Collins--yea, Representative Brett Parker--nay.
The meeting adjourned at 3:56 p.m.
Future meetings of the House Elections Committee will be on Call of the Chair while the Committee awaits bills from the Senate.
Following the meeting, Revisor Heim emailed to the Committee Assistant a summary of the S R 1 resolution (Attachment 2) which was then forwarded to Committee members.